Sue Scarlett Montgomery’s original rock and blues band, Chuck & Sue, has been around for 14 years playing in such venerable NYC establishments as The Knitting Factory, CBGB’s, Hank’s Saloon, Red Lion and Pianos. Sue is the lead singer and co-songwriter with her husband, Chuck Montgomery on monster guitar. They’ve produced two albums, ALBUM and RETOX/DEHAB, and their latest can be heard in its entirety here and on YouTube or look for Chuck & Sue on Spotify.

Skin in the Game
About & Writing

Sue Scarlett Montgomery has lived in NYC for over 30 years and worked as an actor and writer in film, and NY Independent Theater from the mid-’80’s to mid-’90’s, which culminated in the making of her award-winning 1995 short film, “Life of a Plate.” Having recently completed her second film, BUSSED, she is pleased to announce it won Silver for Concept from International Independent Film Awards in 2018.
Having made the festival rounds, BUSSED was honored with eight laurels which can be viewed above. And for shouts and giggles, Sue fronted rock blues band, Chuck & Sue, for some years. Look for fun video content on Facebook.
Constantly writing music, prose, or dialogue, Sue is published in Best American Poetry (“Morning Walk” link below). She is a member of Cinefemme, PANO, Dramatists Guild, Sag/Aftra, and Equity, and her IMDb info can be found here!